On the basis of the Photochemistry center jointly with Moscow institute of physics and technology, Moscow engineering physics institute and M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state academy of fine chemical technology there has been established the Education and research center “Organic Nanophotonics”. Its work aims at training bachelors, masters and candidates of science. Every year 50-60 students listen to lectures and work in the Center.

The education and research center comprises:

  • department of physics of supramolecular systems and nanophotonics (Moscow institute of physics and technology),
  • department of computer simulation and physics of nanostructures and superconductors (Moscow engineering physics institute),
  • N.A. Preobrazhenskiy department of chemistry and bioactive compound technologies (Moscow state academy of fine chemical technology).

Department of physics of supramolecular systems and nanophotonics (Moscow institute of physics and technology)

  • 19 students, eight are getting bachelor’s degree and seven – master’s degree 
  • courses of lectures:

“Introduction into physics of nanosized structures and devices”

“Self-assembly of molecules and nanosized structures”

“Photonics of molecules and nanosized structures”

“Fundamentals of computer simulation of molecular and supramolecular systems”

“Physicochemical research methods”

“Supramolecular chemistry’

“Molecular spectroscopy”

“Dynamics of elementary chemical processes”

Fundamentals of nanobionics

“Theoretical fundamentals of nanophotonics”

“Nanosized state of a substance”

The students are given major seminars. 

  • subjects of the laboratory work for the fourth-year students:

“Multiscale computer simulation” (study of a dye structure in the local environment of polystyrene or silica gel matrix using the molecular dynamics method, calculation of optical spectra of a dye in liquid solvent and solid matrix, study of optical response of a dye interacting with small molecules (analytes) by use of quantum chemistry methods)

“Self-assembly” (architecture of nanoparticles packing by self-assembling in an evaporating droplet, self-assembly of micro- and nanoparticles in a microdroplet of a solution, self-assembly of ensembles of micro- and nanoparticles in a microdroplet of a solution (dynamics))

“Photonics” (absorption spectra and luminescence of dye molecules in liquid solutions, fluorescence spectra of dyes sorbed on silicon oxide particles)

Scientific electronic library

Information resources (databases) in nanoscience and nanotechnologies on the Internet. Analytical methods and instruments for valuation of scientific publications. Techniques of analytico-synthetic processing of documents contents: bibliographing of documents and reviewing (analytical surveys)

Department of computer simulation and physics of nanostructures and superconductors, faculty of experimental and theoretical physics (Moscow engineering physics institute)

  • 10 students in the fourth and fifth year of study (optionally).
  • courses of lectures:

“Methods of statistical physics in atomistic multilevel simulation”

“Quantum mechanics of molecular and extended systems”

  • subjects of the laboratory work:

“Molecular dynamics calculation of radial distribution function for methanol with Li+ cation”

“Molecular dynamics calculation of radial distribution function for methanol”

“Introduction into molecular dynamics simulation techniques by use of software system MDNAES”

        N.A. Preobrazhenskiy department of chemistry and bioactive compound technologies (Moscow state academy of fine chemical technology).

  • 14 students in the fourth and sixth year of study
  • courses of lectures:

“Photochemistry of light-sensitive systems”

“Supramolecular chemistry of light-sensitive systems”

  • subjects of the laboratory work:

“Kinetics of fluorescence decay”

“Lifetime of electron-excited state”

“Trans-cis photoisomerization”

“Absorption spectra of short-living isomers and kinetics of their transformation”

“Singlet oxygen”

“Destructive photooxidation”


“Kinetics of photocoloration and thermal bleaching of photochromic compounds”